How much am I expected to contribute?

Students are expected to contribute to the cost of their education. Alberta Student Aid and the Canada Student Financial Assistance Program have different calculations to determine what you will be expected to contribute.

Alberta Student Aid contribution

Alberta Student Aid expects students to contribute $1,500 toward their post-secondary education each loan year. This contribution amount is automatically included when your application is assessed. 

Single parents and students who receive Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH) are not required to contribute this amount – and it is not used in their assessments.

Upon request for reconsideration, students who were in receipt of Income Support anytime during the four months prior to beginning their current study period, and students who receive Canada Pension Plan (CPP) disability benefits are also not required to contribute this amount.

Canada Student Loan contribution

The Canada Student Financial Assistance Program expects students to contribute a minimum of $1,500 up to a maximum of $3,000 towards their post-secondary education each year. The exact amount is based on family income (Line 15000 or 2022 income tax form or Expected Reduced Yearly Income) and family size.

  • If family income is at or below the threshold amount (see chart), the student contribution is $1,500.

  • If family income is higher than the threshold amount, students will contribute an additional 15% of income above the threshold to a maximum of $3,000 per year.

Indigenous students, students with a disability, students with dependants, and students who are current or former youth in government care are not required to contribute.

The Canada Student Financial Assistance Program does consider scholarship and bursaries, and contributions from parents and spouses/partners to help determine your eligibility for Canada student loans and grants.