Alberta Student Grants

Alberta Student Grant for Full-Time Students (ASG-FT)

Reg.: Schedule 2, s. 23

A student is not eligible to receive the Alberta Student Grant for Full-Time Students and the Canada Student Grant for Full-Time Students for the same study period.

To be eligible, a student must:

  • be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, or have protected person status (as defined in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act),
  • be considered a resident of Alberta,
  • demonstrate at least $1 of assessed Canada or Alberta calculated need,
  • be pursuing full-time post-secondary studies in a program designated for provincial student aid that is:
    • a one year program including Open Studies and University Transfer,
    • an apprenticeship education program under the Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship Education Act (STAEA), or
    • a graduate level program,
  • be in good standing on any previously-issued Canada and/or Alberta student loans, and
  • have a family income that is below the Income Threshold listed in the table below in alignment with the income thresholds for the Canada Student Grant for Full-time Students.
Family Size Low Income Threshold/ Income
Threshold for Maximum Grant (in $)
1 36,811
2 52,059
3 63,760
4 73,624
5 82,313
6 90,170
7 or more 97,395

For single dependent students, the family income is the combined income reported on Schedule 1, Part B Parental Personal and Financial Information. To be eligible for this grant, dependent students must provide parental financial information when applying.

Applications will not be reassessed to increase the amount of Alberta Student Grant funding if:

  • parental information (Part B of the Schedule 1 or Schedule 1C) is provided after other funding has been paid
  • the student originally indicated ‘No’ to ‘I wish to be considered for Canada grants and loans, and the Alberta Student Grant for Full-Time Students’ on their Student Aid application, or
  • changes to student, spouse/partner, or parental line 15000 is provided after funding has been paid


Eligible students receive $425 per month of studies to a maximum of $5,100 per year.


Students funded for one semester will receive 100% of their funding at the beginning of their study period.

For students funded for more than one semester:

  • 50% is disbursed at the beginning of their study period
  • 50% is disbursed at the midpoint of the study period

Alberta Grant for Students with Disabilities (GFD)

Reg.: Schedule 2, s. 19

The Alberta Grant for Students with Disabilities (GFD) may be issued to students who have a documented disability (PD) or persistent or prolonged disability (PPD) and are not eligible to receive the Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment – Students with Disabilities (CSG-DSE), or has costs that are not covered by CSG-DSE. See Chapter 4: Disability section for definitions.

Costs that may be covered by GFD include all services and equipment that are covered under CSG-DSE, and some costs not covered under the Canada grant.

Disability related transportation costs not covered by the CSG-DSE, such as parking and fuel for distance travelled, could be considered eligible. For these costs to be allowed under GFD, an explanation needs to be provided that clearly establishes that public transportation is not an option due to the student's disability.

To be eligible for GFD, the student must:

  • have a documented disability (either a PD, or a PPD) and the requirement for services and/or equipment
  • complete a Schedule 4 and have it approved by an authorized official
  • be enrolled in a full-time program (at least 60% of a full course load or at least 40% for a student where the reduced course load was documented)
  • meet all eligibility criteria for receiving Alberta funding, and
  • have at least $1 of Alberta calculated need.


The maximum amount of GFD that may be issued is $3,000 per loan year (not to exceed the costs of the services and/or equipment required).

When a student meets the eligibility criteria for both the CSG-DSE and for GFD, CSG-DSE funds are always allocated first.

  • Students in study periods of less than 10 months may receive a maximum of $20,000 in combined CSG-DSE and GFD in that study period.
  • Students in study periods of 10-12 months may receive a maximum of $23,000 in combined CSG-DSE and GFD in that study period.

By the end of the study period, the student must provide receipts to show that the grant was used for its intended purposes for the study period. Any unused or undocumented grant funding must be returned to Alberta Student Aid or it will be deemed an overpayment and converted directly to an Alberta student loan.


Funding is disbursed at the beginning of the study period.