Review Process

Students may request the review of a funding decision made by Alberta Student Aid.

This policy applies to students who:

  • are reporting changes to the student’s academic, family, or personal situation
  • are reporting changes to the student’s expenses and/or educational costs
  • have had their application refused
  • have received less financial assistance than requested to cover allowable expenses for the study period, or
  • have been reassessed internally by Alberta Student Aid during the school term and wish to contest the reassessment.

The Alberta Student Aid Review Process is a three step process:

  • Level 1: Request for Reconsideration
  • Level 2: Request for Executive Review
  • Level 3: Request for Ministerial Review

Level 1: Request for Reconsideration

A Request for Reconsideration must be received by Alberta Student Aid at least 30 calendar days prior to the period of study end date indicated on the student’s current application. In the case of a reassessment by Alberta Student Aid of a student’s previous period of study, a Request for Reconsideration must be received within 30 calendar days from the date of the notification of reassessment.

See Full-Time Student Loans and Grants Chapter – Overpayments for information on requesting reconsideration of grant overpayments.

Alberta Student Aid may contact the student if additional information is required.

Based on the information contained in the student’s Level 1: Request for Reconsideration, the matter may be escalated to a Level 2: Request for Executive Review in cases where the decision must be made at that level (e.g. the request would involve a change to policy or funding amount requested can only be approved at that level). If a Request for Reconsideration is escalated in this way, the student will be advised in writing.

Standard processing time for a Level 1: Request for Reconsideration is 30 calendar days from the date Alberta Student Aid receives the request. Students will be notified of the decision in writing.

When Alberta Student Aid requires additional information from the student to make a decision, the processing time will typically be up to 30 calendar days from the date that all required information is received.

Level 2: Request for Executive Review

When a student wishes to contest the outcome of a Level 1: Request for Reconsideration, the student may make a Level 2: Request for Executive Review.

A Level 2: Request for Executive Review must be received by Alberta Student Aid within 60 calendar days from the date of the Level 1: Request for Reconsideration decision letter.

A Level 2: Request for Executive Review may be submitted online.

Alberta Student Aid may contact the student if additional information is required.

If a student requests a Level 2: Request for Executive Review without previously completing a Level 1: Request for Reconsideration, Alberta Student Aid may treat it as a Level 1: Request for Reconsideration and the student will be notified of this in writing in the decision letter.

The Executive Director of Student Aid will review the student’s request and supporting information before making a decision.

Standard processing time for a Level 2: Request for Executive Review is 90 calendar days from the date Alberta Student Aid receives the request. Students will be notified of the decision and reasons for the decision in writing.

When Alberta Student Aid requires additional information from the student in order to make a decision, the processing time will typically be up to 90 calendar days from the date that all required information is received.

Level 3: Request for Ministerial Review

Reg.: Schedule 2, s. 15

A Level 3: Request for Ministerial Review applies when a Level 2: Request for Executive Review has been completed and the student still wishes to contest the outcome.

The Assistant Deputy Minister of Private Career Colleges and Student Aid has been delegated the authority to hear these reviews.

A written Level 3: Request for Ministerial Review must be received by Alberta Student Aid within 90 calendar days from the date of the Executive Review decision letter.

The request may be submitted online.

The following information must be included:

  • the applicant’s name, current address, and telephone number
  • the decision for which the review is being requested
  • the reasons for requesting the review
  • any other relevant information that the applicant wishes considered, and
  • any other information requested by the Assistant Deputy Minister

Alberta Student Aid may contact the student if additional information is required.

If a student submits a Level 3: Request for Ministerial Review without completing previous levels the request may be treated as:

  • a Level 1: Request for Reconsideration if one was not previously submitted
  • a Level 2: Request for Executive Review if there was a decision made on a Level 1: Request for Reconsideration, but no Level 2: Request for Executive Review was submitted
    and the student will be notified of this in writing in the decision letter.

The Assistant Deputy Minister of Private Career Colleges and Student Aid, after reviewing the decision of the Executive Director and considering any relevant information (e.g. the student’s request, any information on the file, policies, legislation, etc.), can make any decision that could have been made on the original application.

Standard processing time for a Level 3: Request for Ministerial Review is 90 calendar days from the date Alberta Student Aid receives the request. Students will be notified of the decision and reasons for the decision in writing.

When the Assistant Deputy Minister requires additional information from the student in order to make a decision, the processing time will typically be up to 90 calendar days from the date that all required information is received.