General Program Designation Requirements

To be designated for Alberta and/or Canada student loans and grants, a program must meet the following requirements:

  1. be a program that the Minister considers is appropriately accredited or that a significant portion of the program is accepted for credit toward credentials conferred by an educational institution designated by the Minister,

    i. where program is related to regulated professions, the program must be accredited by the appropriate professional regulatory body,

  2. be post-secondary in nature and result in a certificate, diploma, or degree credential,

  3. be a program of 12 weeks or more in length, and

  4. if the Minister considers the employment of graduates to be relevant, the potential for employment for graduates of the program is acceptable to the Minister.

A program designated for full-time Alberta and Canada student loans and grants will also be automatically designated for part-time Alberta and Canada student aid.

Additional specific institution and program designation requirements for accredited programs delivered by various educational institutions is provided further in this chapter.