
The educational institution will be provided written notification of the loss of its designation status and the effective date of de-designation. The program(s) offered by the educational institution may continue to be offered if the appropriate licensing or approvals are in place, but student aid funding will not be issued to students. Programs may regularly reviewed to ensure they continue to meet all requirements for designation.

Loss of Accreditation Status

Alberta Student Aid may de-designate any program and/or educational institution that is no longer accredited by the appropriate regulatory authority.

Unsatisfactory Repayment Rates

Alberta Student Aid may de-designate any educational institution for student aid when targets for student loan repayment rates are not achieved by the end of an established three year evaluation period.

Unsatisfactory Employment Rates

Alberta Student Aid may de-designate a program for student aid based on poor graduate employment outcomes or poor potential graduate employment outcomes.

Non-compliance with PCC Institution Designation Requirements

Alberta Student Aid may de-designate an Alberta PCC when the institution is non-compliant with the requirements below:

  1. adhere to the Alberta Institution Designation Agreement for Student Aid which will require the educational institution to comply with legislation, permit audits and to meet other requirements including to:
    1. insure its operations under a contract of General Liability Insurance, in accordance with the Insurance Act, in an amount not less than $2,000,000 insuring against bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage,
    2. establish and publish its tuition and fee policies,
    3. adhere to the withdrawal requirements as described in the AIDA and refund requirements as described in the Private Vocational Training Regulation, and inform students of these requirements,
  2. provide student financial assistance information to support its students to make informed funding decisions including information regarding loan repayment obligations and implications,
  3. collect and report information to Advanced Education as required, and
  4. maintain a loan repayment strategy.

Review of De-designation Decision

An educational institution may contact the Program Accountability and Compliance Unit at if they wish to  request a review of the decision to de-designate. The educational institution must provide a written submission that addresses the issues identified in the de-designation letter and any other applicable information.

The written submission must be received within 60 calendar days from the date of the decision notification.

Alberta Student Aid will review all of the information submitted and may contact the educational institution if additional information is required. As part of this review, a meeting with the educational institution’s representatives may be scheduled to seek further clarification.

Once a decision has been made, the educational institution’s owner or designated representative will be notified in writing.

Application to Reinstate Designation

An educational institution that has been de-designated may reapply for designation after a three-year period has passed from the effective date of de-designation by emailing the Designation Unit at, provided the institution’s program(s) still meets Alberta’s designation criteria.