Applying as a Student with a Disability (PD or PPD)

First Time Applying

First Time Applying

When applying for the first time as a student with a disability (PD or PPD), the student must submit a Schedule 4 (reviewed by the school) and all relevant medical documentation after submitting their Application for Financial Assistance for Full-Time Post-Secondary Studies or Application for Financial Assistance for Part-Time Post-Secondary Studies.

Additional Documentation

Documentation must:

  • describe the disability
  • confirm whether or not the student’s impairment(s) or functional limitation(s) are expected to be permanent, or in the case of a persistent or prolonged disability, are expected to last for at least 12 months; and
  • explain how the student’s impairment(s) or functional limitation(s) restrict(s) their ability to perform the daily activities necessary to pursue studies at a post-secondary level

Summary of Disability Documentation Required

The following chart indicates the type of documentation required to be submitted depending on the student’s type of disability. Completion of the Disability Verification form is strongly encouraged and should be completed by the appropriate medical professional. Note for a diagnosis of a Learning Disability, students must submit an eligible Learning Assessment report (see Learning Assessments/Psychological Assessments/Neuro-Psychological Assessments section below).

Summary of Disability Documentation Required

Type of Disability Documentation Required
Deaf, Hearing Impaired
  • Audiologist report, or
  • Letter from a physician with an explanation of the degree of hearing loss
Blind, Visually Impaired
  • Specialist report, or
  • Letter from a physician with a description of the functional limitations
Learning Disability
  • Psycho-educational report from a Psychologist, or
  • Neuro-psychological report
  • Speech language pathologist report
Mobility/Agility Impairment
  • Specialist report, or
  • Letter from a physician with an explanation of the nature of the mobility/agility impairment (functional limitation)
  • Psychologist report, or
  • Neuro-psychological report, or
  • Letter from a psychiatrist, or
  • Letter from a physician with details about the diagnosis
Psychiatric or Psychological
  • Psychologist report with DSM diagnosis, or
  • Letter from a psychiatrist with a DSM diagnosis, or
  • Letter from a physician with details about the diagnosis including the DSM
Autism, Asperger, Rett
  • Psychologist report, or
  • Letter from a physician with details about the diagnosis
Brain Injury/Cognitive Impairment
  • Neuro-psychological report, or
  • Brain injury/cognitive impairment report/assessment
Other Disability
  • Chronic Fatigue: a detailed letter from physician
  • Irlen Syndrome: assessment report from a certified Irlen Screener

If the student is unable to submit the Schedule 4 with their application for funding when initially applying, Alberta Student Aid will process the student’s application without disability grants. Disability grants can later be considered if the student submits a Schedule 4 and all required documentation. This is considered a change to the application and will be treated the same as a Request for Reconsideration.

The $2,800 Canada Student Grant for Students with Disabilities is usually intended to replace $2,800 of Canada Student Loans, so students who are awarded the grant after their student aid funding has been issued are advised to use the grant to pay towards their Canada Student Loans, if applicable. The student should contact National Student Loans Service Centre to make these arrangements.

Subsequent Schedule 4s

Subsequent Schedule 4s

Students who have previously submitted a Schedule 4 and received disability grant funding do not need to submit a new Schedule 4 with each subsequent application if they only wish to receive the $4,000 Canada Student Grant for Students with Disabilities. These students should, however, still indicate on their Application for Financial Assistance for Full-Time Post-Secondary Studies or Application for Financial Assistance for Part-Time Post-Secondary Studies that they have a disability.

Students with a Persistent or Prolonged Disability (PDD) are required to attest to their disability status on their application in order to maintain PPD status, those who attest ‘no’, will be required to re-verify PPD on future applications when applicable.

  • A new Schedule 4 is required for subsequent applications only if the student requires:
    services or equipment (from either the Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment - Students with Disabilities or the Alberta Grant for Students with Disabilities), or

  • approval for a reduced course load.

Reduced Course Load

A student with a PD or PPD who is registered in 40 to 59% of a full course load may be eligible to apply for either part-time or full-time student aid. Students in this situation should meet with an Accessibility Advisor or financial aid officer at their school to discuss which option will be best for them.

  • Students who opt to apply for full-time funding may benefit from increased borrowing capacity but may also have more loans to repay.

  • Because eligibility criteria differ for full-time and part-time students, the student’s choice of application may affect eligibility for loans and grants.

If the student chooses to apply for full-time student aid when registered in 40 to 59% of a full course load, the student must have the school complete the Reduced Course Load section of the Schedule 4 form.