Assistive Services and Equipment

Certain types of services and equipment can be covered by the Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment - Students with Disabilities (CSG-DSE) or the Alberta Grant for Students with Disabilities (GFD). Common examples are listed below:

Assistive Services

  • tutor
  • Academic Strategist
  • Interpreter (Oral, Sign, CART)
  • specialized transportation (to and from educational institution only).


  • technical aids (e.g., Kurzweil, Livescribe Pen)
  • alternate formats (e.g., Large or Braille Print)


Costs stemming from disability assessments or the completion of medical forms, used to verify a permanent disability or persistent or prolonged disability, are eligible for reimbursement. The cost of an assessment can only be considered if the assessment was completed within six months of the current study period start date.

The Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment – Students with Disabilities (CSG-DSE) may cover 100% of the cost to a maximum of $3,500 per loan year. Students not eligible for CSG-DSE may be eligible for reimbursement under the Alberta Grant for Students with Disabilities (GFD) to a maximum of $3,000.

Students are required to pay for their assessment or documentation upfront and are eligible for reimbursement once a disability is confirmed. Proof of payment for an assessment must be provided for the cost to be considered, as well as a full copy of the signed report confirming the disability diagnosis. If the assessment fee is covered by insurance, the cost cannot be considered by Alberta Student Aid. If the assessment fee has been partially reimbursed by insurance, the amount reimbursed by insurance cannot be considered by Alberta Student Aid, but must be noted in the request.

Only assessments or documentation used during disability verification are eligible, and are not reimbursable retroactively if purchased or received outside of existing eligible timelines of pre-study and study periods. There is no limit on the number of forms or assessments that can be reimbursed if they are included in an approved disability verification. Students are not able to have verification costs reimbursed for a previously verified condition within the same loan year.

Disability Verification Costs Examples:

  • Completion of medical forms
  • Cost of disability assessment

Costs for other types of assessments are not allowed including costs for living assessments or assistive technology assessments.

Ineligible Services and Equipment

These services and equipment costs cannot be covered:

  • capital costs (e.g., vehicle modifications, alterations for educational institutions or residence)
  • furniture
  • internet subscriptions
  • kindle/e-readers
  • administrative fees
  • aides to daily living including but not limited to: hearing aids, glasses, wheel chairs
  • personal use devices including but not limited to: cellular phones, smart watches, clocks, timers, daily planners
  • vehicle-related expenses
    • Exception:
      Disability related transportation costs, such as parking and fuel for distance travelled, may be covered under the Alberta Grant for Students with Disabilities but not under the Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment - Students with Disabilities.

Purchases that are not required for the student to perform the daily activities necessary to pursue studies at a post-secondary school level, or which are primarily intended to support students outside of attaining a post-secondary education, are not eligible.

For a more detailed listing of allowable costs for disability assistive services and equipment, students should contact their Accessibility Advisor.

Costs Exceeding Services and Equipment Maximums

Students who are attending public post-secondary institutions in Alberta may be eligible for additional assistance through their institution if their disability-related costs exceed the CSG-DSE maximum of $20,000 or GFD maximum of $3,000. Students in this situation must visit their disability awards office for information.

Students who are not attending public post-secondary institutions in Alberta (attending Alberta private career colleges or attending out of province or out of country) may be eligible for assistance under Disability Related Employment Supports (DRES) through Alberta Community and Social Services if their disability-related costs exceed the CSG-DSE maximum of $20,000 or GFD maximum of $3,000.

Submission, Purchase Deadlines, and Timing of Receipts

Students can purchase equipment (and training for that equipment) at any point during their pre-study period and study period, up until the end of their study period. For example, a student studying from September to April would have from May to April to make their purchase(s).

For services such as note-taking, the purchase period is between the student’s study start date and end date.

Students requesting reimbursement for purchased equipment/services must provide their application with the purchase receipts in sufficient time to ensure the application is approved and the grant is issued prior to the student’s period of studies end date.

In all cases, students must provide receipts by the end of the study period. When a student purchased equipment or a service prior to approval, only the receipt needs to be submitted upon application.

Note: The CSG-DSE cannot be issued after a student’s period of studies end date.