Full-Time Status

AHS Reg.: s. 1(c)

Generally speaking, for scholarships and awards delivered by Advanced Education, to be considered full-time by Alberta Student Aid, a student must be registered in at least 60% of a full course load in a designated post-secondary program.

To be eligible for the scholarship or award, a student must be full-time at the time of application and at the time the scholarship or award is paid to the student.

For full-time enrolment:

  • Post-secondary institutions determine what constitutes a full course load in each of their programs.
  • No averaging of course loads between semesters is permitted (e.g., a student cannot take 80% one semester and 40% in the following semester).
  • Courses counting towards the 60% must be post-secondary courses and must be taken for credit.

Concurrent Enrolment

A student is considered concurrently enrolled when the student:

  • attends more than one designated post-secondary institution at the same time, and
  • is not considered a full-time student at any one of the institutions, and
  • is considered a full-time student when the courses at each institution are added together, as determined by the post-secondary institutions.

A primary institution will need to be identified and listed. The student should contact their post-secondary institutions to determine which institution should be the ‘primary institution’ and notify Alberta Student Aid if they are concurrently enrolled when they apply for the scholarship/award.

The primary institution is responsible for confirming the student’s registration. The post-secondary institutions should work with each other to determine whether the student considered a full-time student for scholarship/award programs.

Enrolment status must be verified before the scholarship/award can be paid.