Security for your account

All students need to verify their account through Account to access the Alberta Student Aid system. Getting a verified account can take up to 10 days.

The verification process has two steps:

  1. The first step ensures the personal information you provide belongs to you. You will be asked to provide information from a valid Alberta driver's licence, or Alberta Identification Card.

  2. After completing the first step, an activation code will be mailed to the address shown on your Alberta driver's licence or ID card. When you get the activation code, you will need to enter it on the Account, Manage account page and complete the verification process.

This will prevent unauthorized individuals from gaining access to your personal information in your account, ensuring your personal data is secure.

Verify your account today

Important: Please start the verification process and request an activation code as soon as possible! Calling the contact centre will not speed up the process of verifying your account.
  • Don’t have an Account? To create a basic account, you will need a valid email address. Go to Create an account, and complete the steps.

  • Once you have a basic account, you’ll need to verify your account through Account, using one of the following:
    1. an Alberta driver's licence, or
    2. an Alberta identification card
  • If you have an existing Alberta Student Aid account, you can transfer to a verified account. Go to Account, sign into your account, and follow the steps to get verified.

For details, see About Account

What you need to know

Getting verified can take up to 10 days. Ensure the address on your driver’s licence or identity card is up to date before verifying your Account. You can visit a local registry agent to update the information on your driver's licence or ID card. Making changes to these documents, and then having to restart the process of verifying your Account could take 90 days or more. See details on how to update your driving documents

If your ID expires within 30 days, you will need to renew your ID before verifying. Temporary driver's licences cannot be used for verification.

You can renew or replace a driver's licence online. The online site can only be used when you have a verified account, your driver’s licence is not expired, and you are renewing your driver’s licence without changes. 

The verified account must be reverified when your Alberta driver’s licence or identification card expires. You will receive an email with the subject: ‘Your verified account status is about to expire’ from Account. Please action the email before your verified account status expires. 

Keep your personal information safe

The Government of Alberta has created an information sheet to answer questions on how to protect your personal data. Read more about: Internet Safety and Social Media Tips. Account (Verified Account) – FAQs

About Account

1. What is Account, and why do I need a verified account? Account provides you with a secure way to identify yourself to government online. An account provides you with a unique online identity, so you have secure access to multiple government programs and services.

The Government of Alberta must ensure that sufficient information is obtained to properly identify you and differentiate you from others with the same or similar names. This will ensure the correct services are provided to the correct person.

2. What is has changed with my Alberta Student Aid account?

As of September 8, 2022, you are no longer be able to confirm your identity using the following personal information or shared secrets:

a. two Alberta High School Diploma level official marks, or
b. Alberta Student Aid Agreement Number or Canada Master Student Financial Assistance Agreement (MSFAA) Number, or
c. Alberta or Canada Cashed Loan Certificate Number

Instead, you need to follow the steps above and get a verified account. This will ensure the personal information you provide belongs to you.

Getting Verified

3. How do I create a verified account?

In order to create a verified account, you must first set up a basic (unverified) Account.

Once you have a basic account/profile, you will be able to click on the 'Verify account' button and go through the required steps.

These steps will include entering your personal information EXACTLY as it appears on your Alberta driver’s licence or identification card, so the system can verify this information against the government records for your Alberta driver’s licence or identification card.

Once your personal information is verified, the system will generate a confirmation email and a letter with your activation code that will arrive to you by regular mail. When you receive the activation code, you will need to enter it on the Manage account page to complete the verification process.

4. How long does it take to get verified, and when will I be able to sign in with my verified account?

Going through the initial verification steps takes only minutes. During these steps, the personal information you enter is verified against the records for Alberta drivers’ licences and identification cards. When the government systems confirm the existence of an Alberta driver’s licence or identification card with matching personal information, a confirmation email is generated, and a letter with your activation code is sent out by regular mail. It should arrive within 10 days.

The activation code will be valid for 90 days.

IMPORTANT: If you do not receive the letter with the activation code, you must wait 90 days until the activation code expires. If 90 days have passed since the activation code was generated, you may click the Verify account button on the Manage account page, then confirm and submit your information. A new activation code will be generated and will arrive in the mail within approximately 10 days.

5. What if I do not reside in Alberta and cannot get an Alberta ID card?

If you do not meet requirements for an Alberta Identification Card, or cannot get to an Alberta Registry agent to update your Alberta ID card, you might still be able to apply online.

Call the Alberta Student Aid Service Centre
1-855-606-2096, option 2

6. What if I do not have a permanent address or valid form of government-issued identification?

You will not be able to verify your account. In order to verify your account, you must have a valid Alberta driver’s licence or identification card. These documents require a permanent address as proof of residing in Alberta.

If your Alberta driver’s licence or identification card is expired, you must first renew the document before you can verify your account. Please contact your local registry agent to apply.

You can now renew your Alberta Driver's licence online. The online site can only be used if your driver’s licence is not expired and you are renewing your driver’s licence without changes.

If you require a new driver’s licence and you are unable to attend a registry agent in person because you are either temporarily outside of Alberta or are medically homebound, you can apply for a new licence. Learn more at renew or replace a driver's licence.

You can also renew your Alberta ID Card online. Learn more at Alberta identification card

7. What if I have fines associated with my driver’s licence, and cannot pay these fines to make changes to my address on my ID card?

You will not be able to verify your account until you pay your fines. Once your Alberta driver’s licence is renewed, you can verify your account with this document.

8. How does the government verify who I am?

The verification process has two steps:

    • The first step is verification against government records. This ensures that the personal information provided belongs to you. At this stage, your personal information is verified against your Alberta issued driver’s licence or identification card.

    • After completing the first step, your activation code will be mailed to the address on your ID card. When you get the activation code, enter it on the Manage account page to complete the verification process. The activation code will be valid for 90 days.

If you do not enter your activation code before it expires, you must restart the verification process.

9. Can anyone have a verified account?

You must possess a valid Alberta driver’s licence or identification card to obtain a verified account. Possessing an Alberta identification means that you are a resident of Alberta. Verification against government records ensures the personal information provided belongs to you.

10. Do I have to be a Canadian citizen to verify my identity?

You do not have to be a Canadian citizen, but you must be a resident of Alberta. Your valid Alberta identification means that you are a resident of Alberta. Verification against government records ensures the personal information provided belongs to you.

11. What if the address on my identification is out of province?

You must possess a valid Alberta driver’s licence or identification card to obtain a verified account. Possessing an Alberta identification means that you are a resident of Alberta. Verification against government records ensures the personal information provided belongs to you.

12. What if the address on my identification is not where I reside?

You have to update your Alberta driver’s licence or identification card within 14 days of a change of address or any other personal information.

If you do not live at the address shown in your identification, you should go to a registry agent and change your address on your Alberta driver’s licence or identification card.

13. May I use a Canadian passport?

Your verified account confirms not only that you are who you claim to be, but also that you are a resident of the province of Alberta. In order to verify your account, you must have a valid Alberta driver’s licence or identification card.

A Canadian passport is considered a travel document, and not an identity document.

14. Can the activation code be mailed to an address different from the one on my identification?

The activation code must be sent to the address shown on your identification. This is how we confirm that the person in possession of the Alberta driver’s licence or identification card is also the person requesting verification.

15. Does this Account change affect my other accounts that I use to manage my student aid?

No, your other accounts to manage your student aid are used for separate systems.

For questions relating to repaying Alberta student loans:

    • Alberta Student Aid Service Centre
      Call: 1 855 606-2096, option 3

    • Login to your Myloan account

For questions related to repaying Canada student loans: