To encourage Indigenous peoples (First Nations, Métis and Inuit) living in Alberta to pursue and complete post-secondary studies in certificate, diploma, applied degree and bachelor’s degree programs.
$2,000 per term, and maximum of $4,000 per academic year
There are no program band restrictions associated with this award.
You must be enrolled full-time in a certificate, diploma, applied or bachelor’s degree program at an eligible public post-secondary school or First Nations College in Alberta.
To receive this award, you must also be enrolled in:
- the fall and/or winter term (a term is defined as a study period of up to 17 weeks in length), and
- at least 60% of a full course load (40% of a full course load if you are a student with a documented disability). Your school determines what constitutes a full course load in each program.
You must also have satisfactory academic standing, as determined by the school.
You must meet all of these additional eligibility criteria:
- be a Status Indian/First Nations, Non-Status Indian/First Nations, Métis or Inuit and be able to provide a copy of proof of Indigenous ancestry;
- be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident of Canada or have protected person status under:
- be a resident of Alberta. For more on Alberta’s residency requirements, see:
- Alberta Student Aid Policy Manual: Residency
Co-op students, students in brokered programs, and students who are participating in an official exchange may be eligible.
You are not eligible to receive the award when you withdraw from studies or drop from full-time to part-time studies before the award is paid. Students enrolled in apprenticeship technical training, integrated training, pre-employment or non-credential programs are not eligible.
Recipients will be selected based on:
- minimum eligibility criteria for the Indigenous Careers Award.
- any additional eligibility criteria set by the school.
How to Apply
For more information on how to apply, contact the Student Awards or Scholarships Office at your school, or visit their website.
Contact your school for application deadlines.
Check with your school for disbursement details.
Many other scholarships and awards are offered by other organizations – we encourage you to visit Alberta’s public university and college websites to research the scholarships that they offer.
For more information, see Alberta post-secondary institutions.