The Charles S. Noble Scholarship for Study at Harvard was named in honour of Charles S. Noble, the agricultural entrepreneur, innovator and farm implement manufacturer who became one of Alberta’s biggest and best grain farmers.
Mr. Sandy A. Mactaggart donated funds to help establish this endowment as a means of expressing his gratitude for an education that has broadened his ability to enjoy and contribute to life in Alberta. Mr. Mactaggart graduated from Harvard College and became a highly successful business entrepreneur.
This scholarship program recognizes and rewards academic excellence and provides an opportunity for outstanding Alberta students to pursue undergraduate studies at Harvard College.
Three scholarships of $5,000 from Alberta Student Aid and up to $5,000 of financial aid from Harvard College.
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must be:
- a Canadian citizen, Permanent Resident of Canada or Protected Person under Canada’s Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, (Visa students are not eligible).
- an Alberta resident, and to be considered an Alberta resident one of the following conditions must apply:
- one parent or legal guardian who has maintained permanent residence in Canada for at least 12 consecutive months immediately prior to commencing post-secondary studies and must be residing in Alberta, or
- Alberta is the last place the student has lived for twelve (12) consecutive months immediately prior to commencing post-secondary studies, or
- the student's spouse/partner is an Alberta resident.
- enrolled full-time in an undergraduate program at Harvard College.
How to Apply
Submit an application to Harvard College.
Apply for this scholarship between August 1 and December 15.
Selection Process
Recipients are selected by the Office of Admissions at Harvard College and their recommendations are forwarded to Alberta Student Aid.
For more information, see Alberta post-secondary institutions.